About the Convener

First Presbyterian Church, Libertyville

The dynamics of worship and daily life have long interested me.  My doctoral work began a more disciplined inquiry into this aspect of the faithful life.  However, one does not need an academic degree to be aware of the way that worship shapes and directs our weekly lives.  This field of inquiry is the stuff of common life that we all share.

My interest in this topic has been driven by the conviction that few human endeavors have the ability to engage the daily patterning of our lives as constantly and effectively as do local communities of faith.  To be sure, there are countless institutes and associations that purport to promote the ethical life.  However, few activities hold the scope of participation and devotion that can be found in the weekly worship of faithful congregations.

This website has been designed out of my desire for conversation.  It is an attempt to articulate dynamics at play in this focused area of inquiry.  I welcome all who are willing to join me in this conversation.  It is my hope that this discussion will build a network of friends around the world who are bound by common interest and effort.

I am a husband, father, pastor and friend.  At left, you will find a list of links that reflect the variety of places and people that have shaped my life and continue to engage my imagination today.

 - Brian R. Paulson

The Rev. Brian R. Paulson, D.Min.  Email him!

 View his profile on LinkedIn

 Follow him on Twitter as PaulsonBrian

Undergraduate Studies: Georgetown Univ., SFS U.C.L.A. - B.A. Pol. Sci.

Graduate Studies: Princeton Theological Seminary - M.Div.

   Doctoral Studies: Union Theo. Seminary, Virginia - D.Min.

Daily Lectionary Occasional Meditation

An Occasional Blog of Brian's Thoughts

Faith and Order Commission
Chicago Presbytery
The American Waldensian Societry

 The Company of Pastors

Orangewood    Presbyterian Church
Union Theological Seminary, Virginia

Kirk in the Hills
Princeton Theological Seminary

Presbyterian Church, (USA)

Calvin Crest Conference Center
Georgetown  Univ., School of Foreign Service

First Presbyterian, Santa Monica
Palos Verdes, California

St. Peter's By the Sea Presbyterian